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Very special delights

The roman chapel of St Julien de Montredon at Salinelles

Closed  in 1872 for safety reasons, with few exception practically no-one visited this old religious site for 100 years. But then restoration works were put in place the media started taking note, and the curious started coming by. Now many visitors are fascinated by the guided tours and lively commentaries which unveil memories of roman art, the chapel’s complex and varied architecture and the region’s captivating regional history.

  • Chapelle Romane St Julien de Montredon
  • Tél. : +33(0)4 66 80 99 30
The Château at Villevieille

Visitors to the Château, which has been open since 1968, may wander around the towers and dovecotes at the heart of Montredon and through the floral fragrances of the grand courtyard. The dreams of those nostalgic for an often forgotten medieval era will come to life, whilst historians to amble through the remarkable Renaissance architecture.

  • Château de Villevieille
  • Tél. : +33(0)6 70 61 81 49
The Maison du Boutis at Calvisson

The first museum dedicated to lower-occitan needlework, the Maison du Boutis is dedicated to conserving the craft’s savoir-faire, a regional memorial to our grannies’ embroidery. Since medieval times, the art of  ‘Broderie en Bosses’ has been practiced by the great seamstresses attached to the  « Maisons Royales ».   This Maison is today showing an unexpected, universally recognized craft, whilst welcoming all those who are fascinated by textiles.